
Connecting with other new locals has ever growing information on what to see and where to go in the Beira Baixa region. Truly connecting to a new area is about connecting to other people too though. And what better way of doing this than via those who themselves are new to the region. May it ultimately be the bridge that connects the new locals to the traditional locals!


Moving or settling into a new area will surely have us be facing many of the same questions. Where can I find x or y? Who else from my country lives in this region? What’s the best place to go for this? And who best to see for that? The forum provides an area for each of us to be able to ask these questions and answer them to the best of our shared knowledge. Time has us save more and more answers for future new locals to browse over.

Direct Messaging

Browsing the forum or member directory, you might just find the perfect person for asking your question directly or like-minded quirky other to suggest to meet up with. The internal messaging system allows you to do just that.


You have a plan and want to get this going with a couple of people? Just love having some useful or nonsensical chat going? Need some feedback from each other? Groups can be private or public, open to invites or closed. Let’s dump Facebook. 😉

Community makes BeiraBaixa(.info)

As a logged in user you can upload pages for instance for a nice Vegetarian Restaurant, local ecological food, natural beauty or a cultural location, as well as upload events like a town festa. Presenting the best of Beira Baixa is a community effort!

Add a Page

Do you know of more beauty of Beira Baixa? Share it around!
You are expected to write an informational text about it and add a photo and location. This is intended for non-commercial purposes only.

Add an Event

Suggest an event for the calender! Think of a town festa, local market or other community event. -no, we are not a ticketing service/advertising location for commercial events.